
39 αποτέλεσμα
Σχετικές συλλογές:
A Conservative Is A Man Who Believes That
A Conservative Is A Man Who Just Sits And Thinks
A Conservative Is One Who Admires Radicals Centuries After They'Re Dead
A Paranoid Is Someone Who Knows A Little Of What'S Going On
A Politician Is A Fellow Who Will Lay Down Your Life For His Country
Administration For His Troubles
All War Is A Symptom Of Man'S Failure As A Thinking Animal
Among A People Generally Corrupt, Liberty Cannot Long Exist
An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Political Adviser
Bad Officials Are Elected By Good Citizens Who Do Not Vote
Conservatives Define Themselves In Terms Of What They Oppose
Crime Does Not Pay As Well As Politics
Democracy Is Being Allowed To Vote For The Candidate You Dislike Least
Do Not Vote It Only Encourages Them
Gossip Is Easy Politics Is Hard
History Is Merely Gossip But Scandal Is Gossip Made Tedious By Morality
I Like The Smell Of A Dunged Field And The Tumult Of A Popular Election
If God Wanted Us To Vote He Would Have Given Us Candidates
Politics Have No Relation To Morals
Politics Is More Difficult Than Physics
Politics Is Too Serious A Matter To Be Left To The Politicians
Politics Is War Without Bloodshed While War Is Politics With Bloodsh
Politics Is War Without Bloodshed While War Is Politics With Bloodshed